Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Another species name change for one of Trinidad's frog

(Banana tree dwelling frog, Boana platanera - formerly/most recently known as Boana xerophylla, from Trinidad. Photo by Renoir Auguste). There has once again been a change in the species name for one of Trinidad and Tobago's frogs. The species (and genus) name for this frog has gone through many changes. From Hyla crepitans - Hypsiboas crepitans - Boana crepitans - Boana xerophylla - now, it is Boana platanera for all populations north of the Orinoco Basin (including Trinidad and Tobago populations) based on updated genetic and call data (link to study here). This is no doubt a challenge to persons and organizations adapting and keeping up with the correct list of species names found here in the country. But these taxonomic changes do serve an important purpose as it sheds light on species diversity. It may not be surprising if the name chamges again, as more data comes through. But for now, the rattled-voice or emerald-eyed tree frog will be updated to be known as the Banana tree dwelling frog, Boana platanera, here, in Trinidad and Tobago.

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