Monday, June 13, 2022

Herping in Trinidad and Tobago (Part 1): Environmentally Sensitive Areas

(Aripo Savannas Environmentally Sensitive Area, Trinidad. Photo by Renoir Auguste). Currently, there are tree designated Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) in Trinidad and Tobago: The Aripo Savannas, Matura, and Nariva Swamp. Each comprises a variety of hbitats, from savanna grassland, to wet forests, coastal beaches, and marsh swamps. Because of this, there are a high diversity of amphibians and reptiles. Example of some of the herpetofauna found in these ESAs can be found here and here. For local and international persons interested in seeing native herpetofauna, these three areas are highly recommended. Whether you want to see nesting leatherback turtles, venomous snakes, or a range of frog species, Trinidad's three ESAs are the places to visit. All three do require permits to enter from the Forestry Division of Trinidad and Tobago. For persons not familiar, hiring a guide is strongly recommended, and needed (for Matura beach). For more information on herping in Trinidad's three ESAs, do not hesitate to contact me. Stay tuned for a follow up post where I will highlight other areas in Trinidad and Tobago where herping would be must see places to check out!
(The venomous Bothrops atrox, Fer-de-lance, observed in Matura, Trinidad. Photo by Renoir Auguste).
(Rhinoclemmys punctularia, Painted-wood turtle, observed in Aripo Savannas, Trinidad. Photo by Renoir Auguste).
(Pseudis paradoxa, paradox frog, observed in Nariva Swamp, Trinidad. Photo by Renoir Auguste).