Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Community science reveals new frog in Tobago for the first time

(Lesser dark-spotted thin-toed frog: Adenomera cf hylaedactyla. Photo by Renoir Auguste). || "Community science events like the Bioblitz and platforms like iNaturalist (iNaturalist.org) have great potential for not only educating the public about local wildlife, but increasing scientific knowledge of wildlife distribution". The following natural history note publication is another example of this, as a frog not officially reported for Tobago (but has been for Trinidad), was revealed to not only be present in Tobago, but apparently established as well, given that it was seen at four different locations, well over 10 km apart. The 2023 national Bioblitz at Buccoo Tobago inspired this discovery. We further advocate other naturalists to share photos of frogs and other wildlife across both islands, as they may turn out to be new records! Link to read the publication here. It is especially important to document frogs as they are the most threatened terrestrial vertebrate animals on Earth (link to previous blog and article here).