Monday, January 2, 2017

Amazon Leaf Frog, Lithodytes (Leptodactylus) lineatus

Amazon Leaf Frog, Lithodytes (Leptodactylus) lineatus  is known from Trinidad on the basis of MCZ 6033, collected by Richard Decker, probably in 1919. It is a cryptozoic frog that reaches a maximum size of 47-52 mm, females are larger than males. The coloration makes it a highly distinctive species. The Amazon Leaf Frog has an orange stripe that starts at the tip of the snout and extends to the groin. The limbs are tan with dark spots on the proximal part of the thigh and black dorsal coloration with a slight tan coloring. It has red spots on the posterior surfaces of thighs and there is a large red spot on the groin. The iris is copper to bronze with fine black reticulations. It is often associated with ant nets.

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