
Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Paradox Frog, Pseudis paradoxa (Family Hylidae)

Nariva Swamp, JCM

Rana paradoxa Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., Ed. 10, 1: 212. Syntypes: Animals figured by Seba, 1734, Locuplet. Rer. Nat. Thesaur. Descript. Icon. Exp. Univ. Phys. Hist., 1: pl. 78, by original designation, and NHRM 144-148, according to Duellman, 1977, Das Tierreich, 95: 199. Type locality: "Surinami".

Pseudis merianea ― Court, 1858:441.

Pseudis paradoxus ― Parker,1933:10.

Pseudis paradoxus caribensis Gallardo, 1961: 116. 
Type locality:"Mayaro Bay, Trinidad, B.W.I."

Pseudis paradoxa caribensis ― La Marca, 1992:75.

Pseudis paradoxa caribensis Gallardo is now placed in the Hylidae following Faivovich et al. 2005. Formerly this frog was placed in the family Pseudidae.

Adults are 45-75mm in total length. Body is short and stout; eyes dorsolateral; dorsal and ventral skin; fingers free of webbing, toes heavily webbed. Dorsum green anteriorly, brown to green posteriorly; flash marks on the posterior surface of the femur. Ventral immaculate white. Pseudis paradoxa has the largest, or near largest tadpoles known when compared to adult size. Tadpoles are 220 mm (3 to 4 times longer than adult frogs). As currently defined it is known from the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad (unknown from Tobago), and Venezuela. Usually found in open marshy areas with floating vegetation, in permanent and temporary ponds. Calls can be heard day and night and consist of a sequence of 8-11 pulses, but frogs are very wary during the day. At night they can be seen floating on the surface and grasping vegetation with their hands. Mating may be stimulated by rainfall. Eggs are green and laid along the shore among aquatic plants.

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